The EOLAS Online Programme

This page introduces the EOLAS-Online Programme Research.

EOLAS are a suite of education programs designed for services users who experience psychosis and their family members. These are co-produced with service users and families and co-facilitated by peers and clinicians. They are designed to be delivered in a face to face group format, with the support of handbooks/manuals. The programs have been extensively evaluated using participatory methodologies disseminated using traditional approaches such as peer reviewed papers with participants as co-authors and other less traditional approaches, such as videos and photography. Findings from the evaluation indicated many positive outcomes to participants’ knowledge, confidence and attitudes, as well as changes to the culture of mental health practice, within participating sites.

Due to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions, it was considered that an online real time programme may be more suitable. This EOLAS-Online programme commenced in October 2021 as a pilot and is also being evaluated. EOLAS-Online is supported through a grant from the Public Service Innovation Fund.

As the EOLAS Online programme is a new venture, we want to know what you think about the programme, what is working and what we can improve. To do this we are conducting an evaluation of the EOLAS Online Pilot programme. In the following short videos (there is one for service users and one for family participants), we want to tell you about the evaluation, so you can consider getting involved and letting your voice be heard.

The EOLAS Online Programme has been developed has been developed with funding from the Public Service Innovation Fund, a department of Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.